Wednesday, March 18, 2009


You know what is really starting to make me mad?

ETHICS! My teacher was wrong the entire time about the dates for school. Her syllabus was all off schedule. Instead of getting it corrected immediately she decides to wait and play it by ear.

She finally gets it right right before spring break. There is a paper we are currently all working on a due dates for when we have to present our paper to the class and then debate. Originally my paper wasn't scheduled until the 6th of April....NOW ITS DUE THE DAY WE GET BACK FROM SPRING BREAK!!!!!

Totally fucked up my spring break on so many levels. Not only am I stuck at home instead of with my best friend in Arizona, I have to worry about all of the Ethics shit I have to do.


ps. sara doesnt think she is my best friend anymore but she will. I will make her.

pps. one good thing did come of this week. :)


Claggie said...

whaaaat!? that sucks you didn't get to go to AZ! :( poop! good luck on your paper! i'll be home again in a couple of weeks so we can hangeth outeth.

Jennifer Landon said...

I KNOW and sara is so bummed on the point where she does not want to be my friend anymore. :(